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Creates a schema that parses objects of the specified shape. Accepts an optional second argument, unknownKeysBehavior, which determines whether to keep or discard unknown keys, or whether to add an UnknownKeyIssue when unknown keys are encountered. Use "passthrough", "strip", and "strict" respectively. If no value is provided, "strip" is used.

For an object schema with either of the unknownKeyBehaviors, the utility functions strip, strict, and passthrough can be used to create a cloned schema with the desired behavior.


import { object, string, number } from "@sodd/core";

// `object` has "strip" behavior by default
const userSchema = object({
name: string(),
age: number(),

const strictUserSchema = object(
name: string(),
age: number(),

const passthroughUserSchema = object(
name: string(),
age: number(),

Issue types​