🗃️ array
1 items
🗃️ object
10 items
📄️ any
Creates a schema that accepts any value. See also unknown which is usually preferred when dealing with, well, unknown values.
📄️ boolean
Creates a schema which parses boolean values.
📄️ brand
Creates a branded clone of the given schema. This is useful if you want to "disable" the structural typing behavior of TypeScript, and ensure that a value has been parsed by a specific schema. Most likely, you'll want to use this together with custom schemas.
📄️ enumeration
Creates a schema which parses input as one of the given string values.
📄️ lazy
A function, which, when given a schema, creates a new schema that will be evaluated lazily. This is useful for creating recursive schemas. Recursive stuff isn't TypeScript's favorite thing, so the automatic type inference doesn't work here.
📄️ literal
Creates a schema that parses input as a given literal string, number or boolean value.
📄️ nullable
Creates a schema which accepts null values in addition to the passed schema.
📄️ number
Creates a schema which parses number values.
📄️ optional
Creates a schema that parses input as a given schema or undefined.
📄️ record
Creates a schema that parses input as a Record, where the keys are strings and the values are of the given schema.
📄️ string
Creates a schema that parses string values.
📄️ tuple
Creates a schema that validates a tuple of values. An optional rest schema can be passed to validate the rest of the values.
📄️ union
Creates a union schema of the provided schemas.
📄️ unknown
Creates a schema that accepts any value.