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Parsing with Sodd will never throw errors, unless something has gone very wrong within Sodd itself, or if the type safety is bypassed during usage. Instead, parsing will always return a Result object, which in turn will contain either the parsed data, or a list of issues that occured during parsing. This is similar to Zod's .safeParse method.

const userSchema = object({
name: string(),
coordinates: tuple([number(), number()]),

const result = userSchema.parse(someData);

The type of the result object is a discriminated union of the SuccessResult and ErrorResult types:

if (result.ok) {
// The `data` prop only exists if `ok` is `true`,
// and will have the type specified by the schema;
// => { name: string, location: [number, number] }
} else {
// the `issues` prop only exists if `ok` is `false`,
// and will be an array of encountered issues (with types!)
// => Array<MissingKeyIssue | InvalidTypeIssue | TooBigIssue | TooSmallIssue>

See the guide on Error handling to learn more about working with the ErrorResult type.

If this is not the behavior you want, you can use something like this unwrap function to assert that the parsing went well, so that the data may be extracted, or throw an error otherwise:

import { Result, string } from "@sodd/core";

const unwrap = <T>(result: Result<T, any>): T => {
if (result.ok) {

throw new Error(JSON.stringify(result.issues));

// returns a string or blows up
const data = unwrap(string().parse(someData));